What is machine plaster of walls – secrets and technology

Many areas of production, without lagging behind progress, as much as possible replaced work of people mechanical. Machine plaster of walls – one of the fields of construction where cars appeared after the others. It is connected with feature of technology of work with construction mixes, their drawing with obtaining guaranteed high-quality result. Let's try to understand that such mechanized plastering so that all the details of difficult process, necessary for the correct decision, were clear to "beginner".

The mechanized plaster of walls that it

Speaking simply, the mechanized plaster is a way of plastering at which in the course of putting plaster mix on the basis mechanical devices are used.

Share of participation of the person and mechanisms in plastering is various:

  1. When drawing by means of kartushny guns or hoppers, also the compressors providing supply of compressed air are involved in work. Before plastering the worker prepares mix separately, using the mixer or a rastvoromeshalka.
  2. When drawing by means of plaster stations from the worker the most part of care of solution preparation is removed (components are dosed and mix up by cars).

In the second option production of solution and drawing plaster weight on a wall is entrusted the car. Solution "liquid" moves through a gun nozzle under pressure, nabryzgivatsya with a force on the basis, densely keeps within, being beaten from above by the subsequent splashes. The plasterer needs to hold a hose through which plaster materials arrive, at the necessary distance from a wall, moving gun ogolovka in process of formation of a layer along the processed surface. As a result, the car replaces the person in routine, tiresome physical work, accelerating, facilitating two most labor-consuming stages of plastering.

types of the mechanized putting plaster

After machine drawing the master needs to level weight top on beacons and to smooth down the pallet through certain time. Efforts on preparation of the machine equipment for work and cleaning of the equipment after application are added. It is easier and also demands less time, in comparison with a shpaklevaniye which at a machine method is cancelled.

Wonderful cars were called plaster stations, developed the modifications differing on:

  • capacities;
  • productivities;
  • to way of loading of components of structure;
  • to the number of the carried-out operations;
  • mobility;
  • to the power supply, etc.

To such equipment the trained operator is necessary, the readiness of the plasterers performing works as the mechanized way is also necessary.

Machine plaster of walls cannot do to one person therefore plaster this way crews.

The method is applied when it is required to plaster the big areas as machine plastering by 5-6 times saves time of performance of work. Except plastering by plaster stations carry out filling of couplers of floors.

putting plaster plaster in the mechanized way

For machine drawing use:

  • plaster;
  • lime;
  • sand;
  • cement;
  • mixes on the basis of these materials with the modifying polymeric additives.

Method advantages

Except increase in productivity of plaster work, machine plaster of walls wins on such positions as:

  • lack of need of additional alignment by a shpaklevaniye;
  • decrease treshchino-and a covering skoloobrazovaniye owing to lack of factors of shrinkage;
  • preparation of working mix by car excludes emergence in air of cement or plaster dust (reduces its quantity more precisely);
  • the increased covering durability, resistance to influences from the outside (the layer does not crumble during the screwing of screws, blockage of nails);
  • the porous "fur coat" regulating a room microclimate, allowing "to breathe" to material of walls is formed;
  • adhesive properties of the mix thrown under pressure are higher;
  • many times the plaster consumption is less;
  • the prime cost of materials for machine plastering is less, funds for raw materials purchase are saved;
  • data on parameters of preparation of structures are stored in memory of the station, the solution frayed between screws at the exit is more uniform, than kneaded by hands therefore the quality of machine "test" is higher;
  • the plaster cover is warmer than usual material from the same components;
  • lower cost of works;
  • service life of machine "vestments" above, for example, plaster finishing can serve more than 25 years.

Method shortcomings

However such method did not avoid shortcomings:

  • time for service of the car before and upon completion of plastering is required;
  • internal corners require application of special corners;
  • the method is unsuitable for plastering of curvilinear surfaces;
  • the wall plastered by plaster does not suit for facing by a tile (over time the tile will lag behind and break up);
  • features of properties of a covering demand long drying (the wall can be subjected to processing only a week later);
  • need of three-phase connection for the majority of units, than are equipped barmy;
  • the increased power consumption;
  • high cost of the equipment and also hiring of crew (min 3 persons);
  • high level of pollution;
  • impossibility of performance of work in the evening or at night because of the increased noise level.
high level of pollution in the course of the mechanized plaster

Choice of the necessary equipment and tools

Let's talk about what provides completely machine plaster of walls – about the plaster stations (PS). There are units stationary and mobile (mobile). The first are applied on big objects, but to a thicket the second are applied.

The plaster stations are counted on work with ready dry mixes (CC).

Units are based on pumps:

  • diaphragm;
  • screw (have mixers of continuous action);
  • piston.
plaster station

Productivity of a rastvoronasos determines ShS productivity. The software is applied to drawing up solution mix: optimum proportions of components, after insignificant adjustment, will be maintained by the car. Working mix moves on nozzles, nozzles or nozzles in a few minutes after start.

Supply of solution on a wall is regulated by the plasterer by means of a gun. Except pumps are included in the package of the unit:

  • controller;
  • the compressor (there are units in which package the compressor is not included);
  • reception bunker;
  • the camera for hashing where dry mix moves a gear drum or the screw;
  • solution supply hose;
  • the airgiving hose;
  • the spraying device.
structure of the plaster station

For work of ShS connect to a water supply system and to the power supply network. The need for parameters of the power supply network is defined by car model:

  1. On construction industrial or civil facilities of large scale, for example, of parkings, hospitals, schools, use stations with parameters of power supply of three-phase network of 50 Hz, 380 V with the 5.5-7.5 kW pump. The station with an average productivity of 22 liters a minute, working together with crew from four people, processes 150-200 sq.m in change. Work with cement heavy mortars (> 1300 kg/m3)
  2. In private houses, cottages, apartments where there is only an alternating voltage of 220 V, 50 Hz, use small mobile single-phase units with the 2.2-3.5 kW pump, productivity (depends on type of shnekovy couple) 13-18 liters a minute. Work with solutions to 1300 kg/m3 (inclusive).
  3. There are also multivoltazhny plaster stations switched to the 220-voltny or 380-voltny mode. Productivity (according to) 18-22 liters a minute. The most expensive models.
ShS can make single or double mixing, the last happens it is necessary for a vystaivaniye of the prepared mixes.

Technology of machine plaster of walls

Further we get acquainted with the mechanized plaster, what is it in practice as it is carried out.

Preparation of a surface

This stage is obligatory under manual plaster and machine. For the last the wall is prepared with some nuances.

  1. We clean the processed surfaces completely, we delete dirt, traces of wall-paper, residues of paint, an old plaster layer and flows. We smooth out the weak, showered places of the basis, we reinforce a kapron grid for facades, we cover them and hollows with plaster solution.
  2. We take the looking-out metal details or we cut off, we clean remained a metal brush, we cover with anticorrosive structure.
  3. We remove dust from a surface, we ground the means corresponding to wall material on two passes (we do not forget to dry each layer).
  4. We check instrumentally flatness of the basis. We mark serious deviations.
  5. On corners, slopes we establish profiles.
  6. We check basis material on ability to absorb moisture. If water absorption is big, we moisten and we put a layer of solution of small thickness. We allow to dry.
  7. We establish beacons, fixing on working solution.
cleaning of a surface of walls

Installation of beacons

Operation of installation of beacons is carried out also as for manual plastering. Make measurements, by means of a plumb or a laser level build the auxiliary plane, being guided by which mayachny profiles have. Beacons can be solution or metal. The distance between levels is appointed shorter by rule lengths to 20-30 cm.

If the layer of a plaster covering is more regulated, before installation of beacons on a wall fix the reinforcing grid.

Preparation of the equipment

Machine plaster of walls includes setup of the working equipment before work. The unit is installed in the plastered room. If the sizes of the room allow to reach all processed surfaces from the center, then there place the plaster station.

Make assembly of the unit:

  1. At first establish the camera-capacity in which mixing of structure is made.
  2. Connect the giving branch pipe to an entrance opening.
  3. On a branch pipe screw the nozzle chosen for work (width of a nozzle depends on granularity and density of solution).
  4. The complex is connected to water, and the last connection – to the power supply network.
  5. Check the car for compliance to rules TB.
  6. Fill up dry mix in the reception bunker, set the necessary operating mode by means of the panel.
If in the instruction there are points on control of other parameters, work according to instructions.

Putting plaster

Technology of putting plaster solution simple.

the mechanized putting plaster
  1. Having included MSh, wait time necessary for solution for mixing and saturation of weight oxygen (duration is specified by producer CC on packing).
  2. The giving hose or gun direct to a wall (at right angle), holding at distance ~ 30 cm from a surface.
  3. Press a trigger or open the air supply valve. Solution begins to arrive through a nozzle.
  4. The working structure is caused with the movement of a nozzle along a surface ranks with a step of 3-4 cm. The movement of a nozzle between two beacons is made continuously (alternating the direct and opposite direction), putting plaster weight with an overlap (overlapping – 40-50%).

The mechanized plaster begins with filling with the operating mass of corners and joints then plaster flat sites. Thickness of the put layer at uniform supply of solution depends on the speed of movement of a nozzle along a basis surface. The more slowly conduct a nozzle, the layer is formed more thickly. In case of plaster structures thickness of a layer can be done to 1 cm. Cement mortars put with layers up to 5 mm with a break between drawings – several hours (data on packing).

Applying solution, watch that the top of solution rose over beacons equally. Feature of putting solutions on a different basis is drawing speed. Plaster move quicker cement approximately twice more slowly.

Final alignment of solution

The mix applied in the machine way is leveled at once if structure plaster, or in an hour if structure cement (learn time on packing). That is, alignment is carried out prior to the beginning of a skhvatyvaniye. Level a plaster layer the rule, conducting the tool on beacons from below up. Surplus of solution the pallet moves from the rule to places where weight is not enough.

Alignment of pods and usenok carry out after a weight skhvatyvaniye. If the surface needs to give a certain degree of structure, then process a wall graters, gladilka or figured trowels. The cement covering is in addition zheleznit.

In 20 minutes after the first alignment make undercutting by the trapezoidal or h-shaped rule as if cutting off a thin plaster coat a knife. It remove the remained flows, rollers, lumps.

final alignment of plaster rule

To Zatirk carry out 20-30 minutes later after undercutting. If rub clean in 2-3 hours, then moisten a surface. Rub clean zatirochny machines, gladilka or graters. The surfaces prepared under coloring polish (iron the wet tool).

Removal of beacons is carried out after a skhvatyvaniye of plaster which layer has to be linked to the basis. The formed channels cover with solution. Level the wide pallet, as a reference point for leveling serves the wall, adjacent to a shtroba.

Types of works and their feature

The machine method in plastering is how universal? As mixes are produced for front and interior application, it is possible to use plaster stations and cars not only in rooms. On the street there are some restrictions, for example, in winter time in mechanical putting plaster in street conditions are not engaged. One of plastering conditions by means of cars – temperature of the processed surface is equal or above +20os. This condition is imposed by properties of solution, but not the mechanism.

Internal works

During the work with interiors use, generally plaster, or limy and plaster structures. In rooms with high humidity – cement mixes. Work with plaster weight demands efficiency. The equipment is washed at once as soon as the layer is put. To clean the plaster weight which stuck to mechanism details it is unreal.

Front works

On the street machine plaster of walls is produced only at above-zero temperature. It is also necessary to provide conditions under which to plasterers will work comfortably. The main feature of front works – use of cement structures which are mechanically stronger do not fear heavy rains and frosts, a pobitiya a hail. Besides, front structures can join components of large fraction, for example, of the mix "bark beetle". Therefore settings of the machine expose according to producer CC.

The processed place is protected from a rain, heat of beams of the sun. Moisten before plastering more often.

The mechanized process subtlety ceiling plaster

Drawing a plaster covering on ceiling surfaces is connected with feature of arrangement of the processed surface. Surely apply protective (first of all to eyes) means. As the plasterer looks upward and less more – himself under legs, try to place cables, hoses so that not to step on them.

the mechanized ceiling plaster

For plastering of a ceiling use the special nozzle allowing the plasterer not to be under the place of direct drawing operating weight. Plastering is carried out for two passes, that is, the centimetric layer is divided into two. When leveling or undercutting the rule is carried out in the direction to themselves. The reinforcing grid on a ceiling more, than is justified.

Errors of machine plaster of walls

When putting plaster it is mechanized mistakes meet:

  • Do not follow the management of the instruction to the equipment, emergence in the operating mass of nepromes (lumps), defeat by electricity, breakage of the equipment is as a result possible.
  • Use mixes of "homemade" production or for manual plastering. The first is inadmissible as the correctness of operation of the unit is not guaranteed, the second even if it is less serious, but also can yield negative result as operation of the mixer is programmed under special mixes.
  • Do not take a measure for increase in adhesion – drawing notches on concrete, priming non-performance, reinforcing non-use by a network at seal of joints, cracks.
  • Non-compliance with requirements for the maximum thickness of a layer. The layer becomes fragile, easily disappears.
  • Non-compliance with the mode of curing and drying. Use of heating devices.
  • Violation of consistence of structure. Different structures can differ in consistence (worse to keep within or to stick and keep more weakly on a wall).
  • Gross blunder – a podsypaniye of CC in ready solution. The investigation – formation of lumps.

Video on control and work of the plaster station.

Famous producers and responses

The structures which are specially developed for machine plaster of walls meet still seldom. Generally producers specify that this or that dry mix suits for machine application. Therefore it is necessary to use products of the checked brands which quality of mixes is guaranteed.

plaster mixes of machine drawing

Brands of the Osnovit company are universal (for cars and for manual application). There are plaster, cement mixes, even structures starting and finishing.

For the mechanized drawing mixes of the Starateli company are good. CC do not hammer nozzles and important knots of units, well keep within.

The German quality of mixes of the KNAUF company is known. The company marks CC, suitable for automatic plastering, letters of MN or MT. Their application by the German cars of PTF is optimum.

On the first place among the Russian brands surely took place Volm. In a line of producer there are CC for various conditions, with various fraction of components, different terms of a skhvatyvaniye, suitable for the mechanized plastering.

"Unis" is released by the Teplon suitable for mechanisms finding after drying snow-white color structure. There is no need for hard putty.

From ShM producers for networks of 220 V it is possible to note:

  • German PTF brand;
  • Italian company Maltech;
  • Polish producer Kaleta.
PFT and KALETA producers

Machine plaster of walls, facilitating and accelerating work of plasterers, cannot replace a hand of workers completely. The workers who are carrying out machine plastering have to be trained, have experience with mechanisms, work responsibly. Not for each object machine causing plaster structures is expedient. Therefore, choosing this method of finishing, it is better to address masters.

Reference to the main publication
Whether it is possible to apply plaster on oil and aqueous emulsion ink